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Heartspark Hands
Life purpose coaching and
intuitive energy healing

Uncover the hidden truth of who you are and what you want out of your life.


You know who you’ve been asked to be, but is that who you really are?

I’m not talking about your job or where you live, what you went to school for or the labels you’ve been given. I’m talking about the you who is living in alignment with your wildest dreams.

  • The you who is fully alive.

  • The you who knows what they want.

  • The you who is in touch with your heart and the power that lives there.

Below all the layers is the real you.


And, guess what… you are literally magical!

When you don't know the path forward, let your heartspark show you the way. 

Hi, I'm Amanda.

Not too long ago, I was wondering who I was. I was receiving messages, and not knowing what they meant. I was seeing signs, but not trusting them. I was feeling myself change, but unsure of where I was headed.


So, I started paying attention. I started getting curious.


What I discovered is that underneath all the layers and ideas of who I thought I should be was who I actually am.


When I got in touch with that version of myself, everything changed. I got to discover the real me! I also uncovered my life purpose, my special heartspark: to help you do the same.


Are you curious about who you really are?

If so, welcome to the most magical part of your life!


I’m here to create a safe space for you to explore your energy and emotions... no dream is too big. Together, we’ll work to reveal the most authentic version of yourself so you can fully feel your heartspark, hear your intuition and find your way.

Amanda's gifts are unlike anything I've ever encountered before, and that's saying something, because I've experienced it all – Reiki, energy healing, past life regression, intuitive guidance readings, astrology readings, psychic readings! Of everything I've ever done, Amanda's Heartspark sessions are my absolute favorite. They're jam-packed with both deeply helpful guidance about my life journey and a lot of healing. I've felt so much lighter, energized, hopeful, and supported by the Universe in general since working with Amanda."



Heartspark offers a variety of in person sessions at 165 Main Street Suite 213 in Medway, MA, as well as virtual options to help support your healing journey and expansion. For your free intro conversation about any of the below, send me a message

Events and Groups

Join the Heartspark community in person for group coaching, supportive circles and more


Support Circles

Gather together in person and virtually to discuss energetic themes, set intentions to release what no longer serves you and experience healing experiences like meditation & reiki.

Next circle is August 19


Group Coaching

Explore thoughts, feelings and emoitions in a group setting. Each 6-week session will explore a core topic and support you in releasing old ideas and energy, and stepping into growth.

Next group begins in fall 2024!



Attend a workshop to connect with yourself in community with others. Come be inspired and through a supportive space, conversation and inspirational activities.

More options coming soon!

Looking for the Nervous System Mapping Workshop?

Find it here!


I'm so happy you're here. 

I’ve been on a journey my entire life to understand my purpose. While I’ve spent the majority of my professional life following the straight and narrow path, it was very early on that I began to feel like everything was wrong - that I didn’t quite fit into “normal” life.

Despite this, I pushed down the feelings and just forged ahead. That led me into a successful 16+ year career in marketing, getting my MBA and even launching my own marketing consulting business for several years while I juggled raising small humans!


Along the way I kept feeling like there was something else I was supposed to be doing. It kept saying over and over that I had gifts to share, and that I just needed to trust myself enough to figure it out. So, I did just that! I started exploring my gifts, taking classes and really doing a lot of hard work on myself. I trained and was certified through iPEC's professional coaching program and also became certified as a Reiki Master, which helped me further develop my coaching and intuitive skills.


So here we are. Let’s just say that my very own Heartspark was leading me right here to YOU. Now that we’re here, I'm thrilled to offer a safe space for you to uncover the hidden truth of who you are and what you want out of life through heart-centered life purpose coaching and supportive intuitive energy sessions.


I can't wait to meet you soon!

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Let's work together to explore, tune in, heal, direct your path, feed your soul, or bring your goals into focus. I'm here for what YOU need.


Let's see if we both think it's a fit.

Poetry is often part of my intuitive practice, and it has a way of getting straight to the core. For more poems from my sessions, follow me on Instagram.
Image by Paul Pastourmatzis
I like to talk to my anxiety
Tell her she's okay
Watch her make her presence known
Through her endless thoughts
I can understand that she's
A part of me
But, not the whole me
I can calm her
By letting her know
I see her worry
Know that she wants to
Keep me.
Keep me safe.
In this practice
I have come to know
That I can let my

Anxiety can go

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“At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.” – Lao Tzu


165 Main St, Medway, MA 02053 - Suite 213

Amanda Johnson, CPC, ELI-MP

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